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All My Life


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The Hollow Men
Sad Hippie Thing

Greg Melvin: Vocals, Rhythm Guitars, Keyboards
Doug Sparling: Lead Guitars
David Albrecht: Bass
Terry Adams: Drum Kit

All songs written by Greg Melvin
Arrangements by Greg Melvin and The Hollow Men

Guest said

Almost as good as getting a new sh*tstation for Christmas!

Guest said

All My Life! So happy to hear Greg on vocals, Terry on drums and either Dave or Todd on bass after all these years! Some healing has been done indeed. You have always been one of my favorite guitarists, Doug. Thanks for the memories!

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

I didn't write the songs, Greg did (expand the song notes on any song, you'll see I gave him the credit, and I did ask Greg if it was OK to post the songs). I did write guitar parts, arrangements, etc., but Greg was the writer. I sadly can't write lyrics...

Guest said

Great memories....I miss the Hollowmen! You displayed a huge amount of talent all those years ago. Greg's voice was/is so Paul McCartney. I always enjoyed listening to him sing. I had no idea you had written all these songs. Do you believe you may write songs with lyrics again?

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Love the track. Very catchy. I'll have this in my head all day! How did I miss this? d'oh w;-)

Guest said

You have a great singing voice, Doug.

Guest said

Lovely believable vocal - great song and well played.

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

I thought it was going to be Joe Jackson for a minute there. Great sound.

yahondu's avatar
yahondu said

nice tune 'blood on my ands' yep - we've all been there

Guest said

Enjoyed your tracks today, Doug. Love Greg's vocals too! This un ere, being my favourite! Thanks!

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