Acid42's listening history

Oh My Goodness's avatar
NOT FINISHED. another draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great!
sixmilewide's avatar
this is the latest version of our track
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
This is sort of a skeleton version of this song...I have an intro in mind, but don't have time to write it right now. So named because it's primarily in 7/4.
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Track 12 from "They Are Killers" ... originally to be #11, but I decided this was a better one to go out on.
Acid42's avatar
In Manila, waiting in the U.S. embassy line for a tourist visa back in 1999 was a 2-day affair in sun or rain, day or night. This is a 7-min. ode to the torture of waiting for the unobtainable.
Acid42's avatar
Old school or futurejazz? Extreme games or simply spazz? Gritty glitches with pretty snatches of melody, harmony, Reason and thyme.
Acid42's avatar
In Manila, waiting in the U.S. embassy line for a tourist visa back in 1999 was a 2-day affair in sun or rain, day or night. This is a 7-min. ode to the torture of waiting for the unobtainable.
Acid42's avatar
In Manila, waiting in the U.S. embassy line for a tourist visa back in 1999 was a 2-day affair in sun or rain, day or night. This is a 7-min. ode to the torture of waiting for the unobtainable.
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Track 12 from "They Are Killers" ... originally to be #11, but I decided this was a better one to go out on.
annias's avatar
Eerie dub inspired by Terminator, enjoy this hybrid ride between Dubstep and Breaks!