23 tracks by alamedamusic

alamedamusic's avatar
This tune is about how hopeful and proud I am of my kids and what they are doing with their lives. It gives me goosebumps every time I play it! Nicole is singing background vocals.
alamedamusic's avatar
Last spring, our band played at a car show. And along with standards like "Mustang Sally" and "Truckin," this is an original tune I wrote just for the show. Daughter Nicole singing background.
alamedamusic's avatar
Dear friend and lead guitar player in our band passed away suddenly in January. His death hit us all like a ton of bricks. Writing a song helped. My daughter Nicole is on backup vocals
alamedamusic's avatar
Naya is a year old Border Collie puppy who drives us all crazy! Which is why we love her so much.
alamedamusic's avatar
Recently Nicole returned from 6 months of world travel. She does the background vocals
alamedamusic's avatar
When our band played a gig in January in Alameda, I realized that playing 4 hours of music for our collective "friends and family" was and is, indeed, as good as it gets!
alamedamusic's avatar
If you want to have some fun, take my daughter's dog, Satch, to a big grassy field in the middle of the night and bring your laser pointer. Some day he's going to catch the damn thing! Harmonies by my other daughter, Nicole.
alamedamusic's avatar
When our back fence blew down during a recent storm, it got me thinking about what it takes to keep things together. Harmonies are by Nicole.
alamedamusic's avatar
This tune is one of the first I ever wrote, probably 30 years ago. I've even performed it live, with the Enchanters, and, much to my surprise, a few people even danced to it. This is a new mix with Garage Band, and harmonies by my daughter, Nicole.
alamedamusic's avatar
This was inspired by a day of snowboarding with my daughters at Lake Tahoe. Needless to say, I was the one that spent a lot of time tumbling down!
alamedamusic's avatar
Written after a magical day at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach with my wife and daughters.
alamedamusic's avatar
I ride my bike a lot, rain or shine. And when it gets cold, rainy and wet at the same time, things can get pretty chilly
alamedamusic's avatar
Ever noticed the similarities between cooking, eating and falling in love?
alamedamusic's avatar
You can accomplish almost anything if you take it slow, one step at a time.
alamedamusic's avatar
It may not seem possible at the time, but it all depends on who you are with.
alamedamusic's avatar
My mom has a theory that the most important things start as a glimmer in the corner of your eye.
alamedamusic's avatar
It just takes a tiny spark to light a fire or to fall in love. A rock'n'roll love song. And true.
alamedamusic's avatar
Buddy was our pit bull-- he led a wonderous, spirited life before finally succumbing to concer a few years ago. He was quite a guy.
alamedamusic's avatar
This one is pretty rough (pre-Garage-Band), but it was a lot of fun to record.
alamedamusic's avatar
Things didn't go so great this winter, so I abandoned my usual upbeat style. Hopefully spring will put everyone in a better mood...