87 tracks by BogStomp

BogStomp's avatar
A song about the various conspiracy theories our protagonist is starting to buy into, thus leading to his slow decent into insanity.
BogStomp's avatar
Our protagonist knows the government agents are close to finding him and he must flee and disappear quickly. He runs for his life, but who, if anyone , is really chasing him?
BogStomp's avatar
After being haunted by the noise and in search for the underlying signal, our protagonist finally finds peace away from the connected world where he plans on spending his final days.
BogStomp's avatar
All the drones march in lock step into the rally where our protagonist is swept into world of fear that only feeds his paranoia. This will make sense when the complete album released, I promise. :-)
BogStomp's avatar
It's all just fear wrapped in the flag, stuffed down your throat until you gag.
BogStomp's avatar
My refrigerator is trying to kill me and my toaster is telling me lies. A peek into the world known as The Internet of Things. Collaboration with the electronic wizard Zauberer und Hexe.
BogStomp's avatar
Diminished Wattage - The first single from the Signals|Noise album. This song is based on an actual conversation where it was insisted that the fog in San Francisco is not real, but rather a chemical produced by the government. This actually inspired…
BogStomp's avatar
2015 Holiday song. Reflections of another year with the conclusion that we could all use some holiday cheer right about now. Recorded Nov 2015.
BogStomp's avatar
Happy Halloween! A recital of an old nursery rhyme from Gammer Gurton’s Garland, 1784. Also titled: THE NURSERY PARNASSUS, A Choice Collection of Pretty Songs and Verses for the Amusement of all Little Good Children who can neither read…
BogStomp's avatar
Stumbled across this simple ditty while watching TV with a guitar in hand. Recorded simply; using a Shure SM81 into a Focusrite Saffire 24 with a little EQ. Creative Commons license w/Attribution
BogStomp's avatar
And old timey shuffle tune about a guy longing for what he can't afford. Assuming that another dollar more will be the key to happiness.
BogStomp's avatar
Sitting at home, not feeling restless, at peace with myself in this brief moment of time.
BogStomp's avatar
I got a friend, his name is Tim, and he really likes donkey songs. Letter Seventeen on Mandolin, Banjo, Backing Vocals, Beer bottle, hoots n hollers...
BogStomp's avatar
Written about a bout of writers block that struck in 2014, basically ending my attempt to complete RPM that year. The topic should be familiar to most of you.
BogStomp's avatar
I came up with the title after recording the song. It reminded me of the calm before a storm or the buildup to an event like a rocket taking off.
BogStomp's avatar
Interpret this song as you wish. The inspiration is a rash of door to door religion salesmen that plague my neighborhood. The conversations they try to engage me in made me ponder their motivation for grace.
BogStomp's avatar
There's a rumor out there that Santa isn't real. This song will address that. Happy Holidays! Writen and recorded: Nov 2014
BogStomp's avatar
Another fine corporate invention is the RACI Chart; a device needed to actually tell people if they're responsible for something. If you've never head of a RACI Chart, consider yourself lucky. This song is written from the perspective of someone…
BogStomp's avatar
You can probably interpret this song in a few ways, but the inspiration was based on a move across the country to start a new life. I find there's an interesting tension between settling into your new home and getting use to a new environment…
BogStomp's avatar
This one was recorded back in 2011 but I never posted it. I took a listen to it recently and liked what I heard with fresh ears. It's another of my surf tunes which I enjoy making from time to time.