Breaking Light's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
Integrate Origin's avatar
Another Mars Volta-ish song.
Memoir's avatar
Just playing around - wasn't too upset with what I ended up with. Sort of an intermission to something... if I decide to pursue this one, I'll get rid of that annoying buzz, I promise.
Breaking Light's avatar
A 1700 mile road trip culminated in a gig in Amarillo at the 806.
kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
corbinSound's avatar
This is an absolutely beautiful song written by Jon Foreman for his side project Fiction Family and I felt like givin it a shot soo I just kinda learnt it and threw it together theres a few flubbups but they kinda workout well in the end enjoy :)
corbinSound's avatar
Just some bluesy shiiat I did while back
corbinSound's avatar
Wellll it's not really a mystery, it's a little Beatles remixing!! I've basically just mashed together Octopus's Garden and All My Lovin'. Hope you like it! toooons of fun makin it :)
corbinSound's avatar
A good friend of mine Harris Kidd filmed a short piece of work starring my other great friend (and my drummer) Zay Brignall, anywaaays he asked if I could make a soundtrack for it soooo I sat down and watched it over and over and started plunking…
Memoir's avatar
Just playing around - wasn't too upset with what I ended up with. Sort of an intermission to something... if I decide to pursue this one, I'll get rid of that annoying buzz, I promise.