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Suburban Chicken


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I think you heard
I am a bird
You’ll never see my flyin
I hang around the yard
Never catch me lyin
Or workin very hard

I made a turd
It was my third (today)
I do a lot of eatin
And strutting round the pen
The others might be meeting
I’ll go around again

Cluck cluck

Your wondring bout the ordinances
the full legality
Your eyes are working fine
you finally can see

Suburban chicken
Suburban chicken
Looking up the law I aint forbidden
Suburban chicken
I aint kiddin
Intruding on your reality

You want an egg?
Don’t gotta beg
The only thing I do
Lay a few a week
Also maybe poo
And also maybe sleep

Got a cloaca
All-in-one maka
Got a simple life
Got a simple brain
The roosters got a wife
I forgot her name

I aint too clever
But What…ever….

Your neighbor’s kinda hippy
he’s thinkin bout his health
He’s also kind hungry
don’t got a lot of wealth

Suburban chicken
Suburban chicken
Looking up the law I aint forbidden
Suburban chicken
I aint kiddin
Im a new curiosity


I go bock-bock
At 6 oclock
Time to up and at em
Time to start your day
Even on a weekend
Or a legal holiday

I’m here to stay
The eggs I lay
Will keep the neighbors going
Through the tough part of the year
They also might be brewing
Some alcoholic beer

Here I is
Gimme a kizz

Only gonna keep me
For egg efficiency
Then I’ll be the meat
In a chicken fricasseee

Suburban chicken
Suburban chicken
Looking up the law I aint forbidden
Suburban chicken
I aint kiddin

Please be friends with me

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