Ed Craig's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
actually a Leaking Bright track, the more experimental side of Breaking Light. -K
bookeybbb1111's avatar
no drums this time... too cheesy with...
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
An evolution of two LFOs pretty much gated and filtered.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A piece that is over and over built with a sequence from a new sequencer that you program the steps of the sequence, the melody by scaling potentiometers, turning knobs till it's like you want!
Collin Pendleton's avatar
jip's avatar
Going round in my head so had to lay it down.
jip's avatar
Another earworm needing to be expressed - comes to my head when looking at the moon from my garden. I'd love some lyrics - "oh beautiful moon, dah de da da dah" etc but haven't landed on any yet. Its also a bit Taize like, except totally pagan.
Never Alone's avatar
Last Night by Trina Dova 2024 Last Night I cried myself to sleep Last night I tried, I tried to keep Them tears at bay But they wouldn't go away And All I was left to do was Pray, Pray, Pray So, I prayed through my tears And all…