eee's listening history

Newbold's avatar
just a resent piece done while I was working in ubuntu with a laptop rather then this computer which just got back from the shop ,,, ;)
Newbold's avatar
mellow again not as mellow as mixed at but mellow too..
Newbold's avatar
something from back when that I added echoes to and volume to , enjoy
Newbold's avatar
this is close to the end of the musix i was writing/recording as my terabyte was going down due to a bad processor fan that would cause the machine to crash and eventually cost all the memory on the drive to be lost meaning 600 gig of information…
Newbold's avatar
Given that this has a beat is not the fault of anything but what it sounds of.
Newbold's avatar
So this is something from earlier tonite but neat not to mention minimal effects on thought and time.
Newbold's avatar
this is the midi file called porcupine-22 feed thru my supernova II not sure where clones got the file or if that was one he made himself but I believe it was in the section of MIDI files to feed into the nova.. :) then the edits and the mixing…
Newbold's avatar
never thinking'(as usual) I would get to edits 2 here it is in all its nastiness and subversive noises there of.. same source as the time edits 1 just re-envisioned if you will ..
Newbold's avatar
as with anything that comes my way in an unexpected form the repercussion are endless here is a sample of some more second edits of old 2008 works that were in older versions of audacity but the files were still solid ,, what solid means at this…
Newbold's avatar
from the crud files in audacity there is the reprocusions of this as well regurgitated and left for dead inside midday mindlessness of thinkings.