kend61's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
I hesitate to upload this, but there are a couple folks around who like this sort of thing. This is an edited down version of a jam I had with myself back at the end of 2007. Live to 2 tracks with the aid of the Jamman. I think it was the first…
kirklynch's avatar
A short unfinished jazzy kinda thing from the end of 2006
kirklynch's avatar
Another one from back when I was tracking to actual tape. Was going to do a new version at some point, but decided I had lost interest. Sometimes there's no sense in recreating the past! Recorded probably the beginning of 2007
kirklynch's avatar
What happened after too much time on youtube watching live vids of "voodoo chile" Noisy obnoxious and very cathartic for me! Live to 2tracks with the Jamman
kirklynch's avatar
Just a day with the looper back in 2007
mr-glen's avatar
A song written for my beautiful daughter.
kend61's avatar
my first attempt at garage which i still hope holds on to the blues