16 tracks by markgoldsack

markgoldsack's avatar
Not penned by The Beatles but a nice little tune :)
markgoldsack's avatar
Kitchen Jam
markgoldsack's avatar
Back in September, my sister (Lady Jane) and I had a rare get together and jammed a few Beatles songs. Drink was added and here are the results...
markgoldsack's avatar
Too early? Too late? It's only a laugh :) I am a Beatles and Lennon obsessive (had to explain that because some people thought you wouldn't get it otherwise) Anyhoo hope you enjoy my last upload as a 47 year old...:( As requested, the lyrics…
markgoldsack's avatar
This is my eldest daughter Amy singing with me strumming badly in the background. One take, no edits, it's exactly how we did it 15 mins ago!
markgoldsack's avatar
I fancied another acapella. Shame I end in a different key than I started in, someone could have put music to it!
markgoldsack's avatar
As a surprise for the missus (she gets out of hospital tomorrow after a 9 week stay) I've revamped a little ditty I wrote for her. I thought I'd put an Elvis slant on it including the ridiculous club style ending. I also slipped a bit of a British…
markgoldsack's avatar
I need an electric geeetar. My weary old Crafter electroacoustic picks up every touch. 'Scuse the solo, I'm only a strummer.. Anyway, the song. Clogging up my brain, had to get it out. Some lasses don't know what they look like, and some lads…
markgoldsack's avatar
Everybody seems to be Beatling about lately. Here's a little acapella.
markgoldsack's avatar
A bit of fun. Feel free to chop it up or add to it.
markgoldsack's avatar
you know they say you have to write some rubbish before the good stuff comes out?... Entirely Garageband, not a live instrument on it but it was clogging my head up.
markgoldsack's avatar
A cover of Mama Cass' song performed by my 12 year old daughter Georgia Goldsack. She's made daddy very proud :-D
markgoldsack's avatar
A song about my dad. Written a few years ago but I wanted my family to do the harmonies. Finally I got the last two laid down week. There are 10 harmonies featuring sisters, sons, daughters, nieces and nephews and I thank them all for their amazing…
markgoldsack's avatar
This is open to translation. I wrote it about nurses and how I thought confused/sedated or just bonkers patients may view them.
markgoldsack's avatar
About no one in particular, just a figment of my imagination.
markgoldsack's avatar
My wife plays flute and asked whether I could write a simple piece for it. This is the result. She hasn't learned it yet!