milocraft's listening history

homer scroot's avatar
Homer's songs are inside your little phones all having a good time
homer scroot's avatar
The middle verses are a poem written in the thirteenth century by William the Clerk
02bfree's avatar
OK,there's three sides to every story. Yours. Mine. And the cold hard truth. So- let's just tell it like it is.
milocraft's avatar
The experience: First reaction - "This sound feels so wrong!". Second Reaction - "My eyes are opened!". Third Reaction - "This sound feels so right!".
milocraft's avatar
The first sound reminds me of my father's first electric piano that I play with when I was 5 years old. It's a simple beautiful thing! I tried to create a snapshot of simplicity that blossoms into a full blown "Christmas Extravaganza".
milocraft's avatar
An Aggressively Electronic Sonic Barrage of Christmas Merriment!
milocraft's avatar
The first sound reminds me of my father's first electric piano that I play with when I was 5 years old. It's a simple beautiful thing! I tried to create a snapshot of simplicity that blossoms into a full blown "Christmas Extravaganza".
milocraft's avatar
An Aggressively Electronic Sonic Barrage of Christmas Merriment!
milocraft's avatar
The experience: First reaction - "This sound feels so wrong!". Second Reaction - "My eyes are opened!". Third Reaction - "This sound feels so right!".
milocraft's avatar
An Aggressively Electronic Sonic Barrage of Christmas Merriment!