Movement To Contact's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
pocket synth, stretched birds
Mac McIntyre's avatar
First track of my, now defunct EP RPM challenge effort. It has not gone well :) Week 1 - road being resurfaced outside.... noise noise noise! Week 2 - got some tracking done Week 3 - Bad tooth infection needing extraction for week 4 Week…
Mac McIntyre's avatar
Track 2 of my failed RPM... just a quiet acoustic ramble.
Orphans's avatar
t boudreau Hello Empathy, can’t ya see that its me hanging out to dry I’m surprised to see you after all this time A sip of sympathy may be all that i need to get me by tonight But those home made remedies only last for a while Hey Controversy…
Orphans's avatar
Happy Halloween - Orphans cover Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Chris - drums, bass, vocals, percussion John - B3, Electric Piano, Synth TB - Guitars, synth, Percussion
Magic Bullet's avatar
As our Skit so aptly put it; "Nothing proves John Cage's assertion that there is no such thing as silence quite as well as power tools." My having recorded a more 'in the spirit' take of Cage's 4'33'', capturing the peaceful sounds of the ferry…
vaisvil's avatar
Fender Mustang to DD-20 GigaDelay direct in. Look for the video of the same name on youtube user Vaisvil. You will see the reason for the title.
General X's avatar
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Bringing back a song from 2011 with a new twist. The song now has drums, bass, and an orchestral backend. This is hopefully part of a larger collection of me reworking older songs with orchestration. Many thanks to Brian of A Beautiful Scene…
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Another late night session in a dark blue-ish cloud.