Norm's listening history

launched's avatar
A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :) One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle…
launched's avatar
After I read into RPM and understood that anybody could take the challenge, I joined up. I'm starting with a clean slate, so I hope I can finish! This a WIP of the first tune I'm working on. Everything I do will be recorded/produced with the Boss…
launched's avatar
Played all at once through a little plastic hole (Micro BR), so I know it needs to be redone. I've been down with swine fever for the past few days and have barely been able to hang onto a guitar, so this ought to be a crowd pleaser :) A song…
launched's avatar
An odd tune - took time to grow on me but I like it. Still a little sick, hence the froglike vocals and negligent production. A song about the Rock of Gibraltar All done on the Boss Micro BR Long Goodbyes You say your life is disgusting…
launched's avatar
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it. A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :) One take in the MBR hole... I'll…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
A Friend of mine (Dave Passourd) is a very talented song writer... But he never records his stuff.... His songs rest with the memories of those that are lucky enough to get to hear his tunes. Here is what I remember of a Song that he…
launched's avatar
A Halloween collab we did last fall that I thought was pretty cool. Designed to scare old ladies and make babies cry :) I love the way the song peters off in the end. All tracks recorded with the Boss Micro BR, mixed with Audacity and mastered…
launched's avatar
The vodka, ahhh. One of 3 that I recorded to a dimming flashlight during a power outage. One take into the Micro BR hole with some harmony and noodle overdubs. Vodka I want the vodka 'Cause I know it's gonna make me play better…
launched's avatar
I recorded this one to a dimming flashlight on the 25th after a windstorm took out my power. I couldn't see the lyrics anymore so I ad libbed and hummed the rest out. My recording device is battery operated, which is cool. This predicament…
launched's avatar
Another one from the dusty special price bin! It started off as a Pilot cover, but it didn't end up that way. Dave Berry added the excellent tele solos and the crazy cool noises at the end. Thanks bro, you rock! I spent more time on this…