Orphans's listening history

am/fm dreams's avatar
Album: am/fm dreams Year: RPM Challenge 2009
am/fm dreams's avatar
Album: am/fm dreams Year: RPM Challenge 2009
poiesis's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
dwalsh's avatar
Protest song about the war in Iraq. Very Incubus influenced from the Light Grenades album
Band C's avatar
We lived in a house on Eddy St. Then they tore that down, leaving only the two huge palm trees, then they tore those down & built other things, now no one would know that we were ever there.
Kevin Bud Jones's avatar
This is a live in the rehearsal studio recording direct to Zoom H2 of our band Airport Seven. See myspace. The "playa" refers to the desert where Burning Man happens. If that's news to you - google it and go.
monopoli's avatar
The Dutch painter Mondrian was apparantly a fervent dancer to Boogie Woogie and that image stuck because he seems such a stiff guy otherwise. So I thought that would make a funny subject for a dance-tune. Normally I wouldn't make a song about…
Kevin Bud Jones's avatar
Track 7 Buddha Box Series RPM Challenge
monopoli's avatar
The Dutch painter Mondrian was apparantly a fervent dancer to Boogie Woogie and that image stuck because he seems such a stiff guy otherwise. So I thought that would make a funny subject for a dance-tune. Normally I wouldn't make a song about…