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Paul Lisney

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This is my latest song which came about while I was shoveling snow. It is about work being a prayer when offered to the Lord and describes the concept we have in the Catholic faith of offering our prayers for others - both living and gone. Purgatory is the place or state where our souls are prepared to see Our Lord - rather like taking a shower after a hard day’s work in preparation for the arrival of a special guest. Our prayers and offerings are used to help these holy souls and they in turn intercede for us here on earth. A beautiful teaching!

September 7, 2016- uploaded the final mix for the song, not realizing that I hadn’t done so ages ago.


It’s cold outside on a winter’s morn
And the snow lies deep on my gravel road
I’m working for the Holy Souls
And every shovel brings them closer to home

Closer, closer, closer
Closer, closer,Closer
To their heavenly home

For work is prayer when offered to the Lord
And of itself it has no worth
But joined to Christ crucified
Our gifts of love are sanctified

Closer, Closer, Closer,
They move closer, closer, closer
To their heavenly home

Everything we do
Nothing’s too small
Our gifts are put to use
Even our falls

My shoulders hurt and my back it aches
Hours in the cold and it’s getting late
But faith knows what this prayer can do
A Holy Soul will be seeing Him soon

Closer, Closer, Closer,
We move closer, closer, closer
To their heavenly home

© 2015 Paul Lisney 3/07, 3/08/15

anna31's avatar
anna31 said

wonderful !

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