Quetzalcoatlus's listening history

Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
This was made at the absolute last minute, but I like it's simple, ambient qualities.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
All of the sounds on this song come from a soda can.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
About half of these lyrics were written a year or two ago and left unfinished - They were going to be part of a rap album/EP, which I may still make later.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
One of the keyboard sounds here is actually a heavily manipulated recording of me dialing my cellphone. I also had some fun with strange mouth noises ala my side project AwESOME MOVIE SOUND NOISES!!!.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I started out with the sounds you hear in the beginning, and knew I wanted to make them the basis of something spacy.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
There's a tennis court that's officially named this in my neighborhood park. I wanted to write lyrics for this song, but couldn't think of any - I may go back and re-use it as a rap beat.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
This isn't actually a minuet... that's what's so stealthy about it. Okay, actually, "Stealth Minuet" is an anagram for "The Last Minute", because I wrote it at the last minute and because it's about a minute long and is the final track.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
"Windblown cellophane" is part of the deliberately unintelligible chant bit of "Operation Enduring Freedom Tennis Court", so maybe I should have used this title for that song instead.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I sort of wanted to call a band Department Of Meteors, but it became a song title instead.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Sometimes I pretend that my songs are themes for non-existent horror b-movies.