Room 34's listening history

glu's avatar
work in progress
glu's avatar
The 200th glu track on alonetone! It's about time I put together a proper welcome track. intro demo for RPM
glu's avatar
for the RPM challenge. i just want to touch you. baby will you touch me? i want to get inside you. i try to hypnotize you.
glu's avatar
glu's avatar
RPM demo filler track. you see where this is all going.
another cultural landslide's avatar
Very, very raw demo for our 09 RPM disc. Drums are a click track & unmixed; needs one more guitar track, eq, channel compression, an honest-to-god mix, etc...
another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Room 34's avatar
My big hit, I guess. Everyone seems to love this track. I do too. It's inspired by The Mars Volta's track "L'Via L'Viaquez," but I took things in more of a Pink Floyd direction with the extended synth solo that is evocative of the instrumental…
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