Folly's listening history

The Privately Public's avatar
The Privately Public's avatar
The Privately Public's avatar
The springsteens's avatar
hey mister rosary beads you were right i did write an indie ballad about her! only at the time i'd been listening to very/too much leonard cohen and this bleak piece of miserable shit came out but it has a singalong chorus!!!!!!! and i played…
The springsteens's avatar
hey mister rosary beads you were right i did write an indie ballad about her! only at the time i'd been listening to very/too much leonard cohen and this bleak piece of miserable shit came out but it has a singalong chorus!!!!!!! and i played…
The springsteens's avatar
If it makes you laugh, you're supposed to laugh. If it makes you feel sick, you're meant to feel sick. If you like it, thanks. I saw you in the locker bay. I heard you like Toulouse-Lautrec. and by the way I didn't write the last twenty seconds…
The springsteens's avatar
hey mister rosary beads you were right i did write an indie ballad about her! only at the time i'd been listening to very/too much leonard cohen and this bleak piece of miserable shit came out but it has a singalong chorus!!!!!!! and i played…
queersonstilts's avatar
This is a test
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