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Mr Sandbags

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The product of yesterdays experiments with Metasynth.

I took a few seconds of a Debussy piano piece and imported them into Metasynths spectrum synth where I turned them into a groove which I then filtered in the Filter room.

I imported this into Live and layered on CamelSpace and Freezbee in parallel effect chains. Along with PanStation and ValhallaRoom. I hand rolled automation for some of the controls and used MIDIShaper for the rest.

Alongside I added a hats only track using StylusRMX glitched up with Replicant and Automaton (no DubStation this time!) and allowed to drift in and out using VolumeShaper.

Listening back I quite like what I have except that it feels like the beginning of a track that, then, peters out where it should be going somewhere. But I guess this is in the nature of experiments to not quite be the result you were looking for :)

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Halfway through it did feel like it was the intro to something (cue dry ice, big light show, power chord, let's rock... mebbe!)(I think it's the hi-hat that does this to me, it reminds me of a drummer itching to get going) But, for me, it does actually bring itself to a nice conclusion. Didn't really feel like "petering out" at this end.

Guest said

Classy piece of experimentation. Musically superb but I wish I understood more of how it was achieved.

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Very cool overture.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

I quite like it too! You're right in that it sounds like the beginning of something else, but very enjoyable!

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