the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s listening history

Lee Rosevere's avatar
A company that sells high-quality 'dreams' for those that cannot dream, is threatened by competitors who cheapen the experience for mass consumption. There are so many interesting elements in this story that can applied to our current world…
Lee Rosevere's avatar
Although Asimov doesn't have a story directly named after the super-computer, it does appear in many of his sci-fi stories, and is related to many of the stories that inspired these compositions. So, it is fitting as it serves a bit of a 'overture…
Witchweed's avatar
Live at The Eagle's Club Taylorville IL
Witchweed's avatar
Live at The Eagle's Club Taylorville IL Lyrics: Sea of dust is where I spend my time On a ship that sailed by powers of the mind Neath the light of the crimson sun Up and down the coast of the Forked Tongue Stories and tales they echo…