thetworegs's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
It's an idea we are playing with using the Tracks we already have. (It's along one not for the faint hearted.) Now you have to imagine the announcers voice "Is everybody in?........Is everybody in?... If you are. He shall begin..........
thetworegs's avatar
I've tried to give it a Reg tilt, i hope Jim isn't rolling in his grave too much. Thanks Johnny for letting me have a go..............
thetworegs's avatar
I've tried to give it a Reg tilt, i hope Jim isn't rolling in his grave too much. Thanks Johnny for letting me have a go..............
mr-glen's avatar
Just had a bit of fun with this one. May re-visit and add on some guitar at some point.
henwrench's avatar
you got us in, so you get us out...
vaisvil's avatar
having to go to bed when I feel like jammin :-( one side is GR-20 bass - other is Fender Mustang
vaisvil's avatar
A layered improvisation on a M-Audio 88es Korg MS2000 * 2 (duplicated the midi track and recorded the MS2k with two different voices serially) Pianoteq Absynth Reading of his poem "We're on the Brink of Utter Befuddlement, Yellow Hanky Style…
muzicmajor's avatar
I was makeing a double cheese burger while makeing this was my
eshar's avatar
Third track on my Everybody Loves Funk album. A rock, jazz and funk fusion with some vocals added to help move it along nicely.
Dave Berry's avatar
A folky ballad about the trials and tribulations that happen during home recording, in this particular case using a Boss microBR. ********************************************* Let me tell you all a story, most of it is true, a strange and twisted…