thetworegs's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg told her it all, then he had to leave. His new flat has a bit of a gloom about it on this morning when he wakes to the Buzz of the Tv....................
Norm's avatar
It was a curious and wondrous thing. One night I was in my studio adding some percussion to the "Quiet Rituals" track by Barry van Oudtshoorn, when my 4 young children (with whom I was long over-due to be tucking into bed and reading a bed…
Norm's avatar
It was a curious and wondrous thing. One night I was in my studio adding some percussion to the "Quiet Rituals" track by Barry van Oudtshoorn, when my 4 young children (with whom I was long over-due to be tucking into bed and reading a bed…
Norm's avatar
It was a curious and wondrous thing. One night I was in my studio adding some percussion to the "Quiet Rituals" track by Barry van Oudtshoorn, when my 4 young children (with whom I was long over-due to be tucking into bed and reading a bed…
thetworegs's avatar
He loves you.............
Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
Written and performed by Tangmo and Steve Blizin. Saturday night I'm gonna put on a tie take my truck for a whirl flow down the road across three county lines to see my pretty little black-haired girl Mom will be in the kitchen fixing…
epimeison's avatar
This is another of my miniatures, kind of 'baroque' style. It's from 1998, and I consider it my best guitar composition. Not a good interpretation here, but it took me a lot to play it this way after all these years. I hope you like and/or enjoy…
epimeison's avatar
Well, this is a single minute of music around this wonderfull 'Angel Eyes' song. I hope you like and/or enjoy this miniature. Have a great 2011 alonetoners!
epimeison's avatar
Well, some today's 'afternoon-to-evening' stuff... very simple, but i like it. I hope you like and/or enjoy!
Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
My old buddy and collaboration partner Phil Close joined me on what is at or near the last song for my last album. I wrote the song and sang--Phil did everything else you hear. Dance in the New Year. Dance, Little Sister. Dance till you…