thetworegs's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…
thetworegs's avatar
I was reading a book in my lounge and started to feel as though someone was watching me. It was silent in the room, the TV was switched off as was the radio. I noticed the web-cam on top of my computer but that was switched of too so i couldn…
thetworegs's avatar
He is nothing but a no good Junk Man with a Junk Mans soul. But he is your son what are you going to do about it?.............................
Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
My old buddy and collaboration partner Phil Close joined me on what is at or near the last song for my last album. I wrote the song and sang--Phil did everything else you hear. Dance in the New Year. Dance, Little Sister. Dance till you…
Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
My old buddy and collaboration partner Phil Close joined me on what is at or near the last song for my last album. I wrote the song and sang--Phil did everything else you hear. Dance in the New Year. Dance, Little Sister. Dance till you…
Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
Co-written and performed with William Liggett. Tried to make it a 'duet', but not being in the same state--much less studio--made it too hard to match phrasing.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Reworked from an improvised track recorded for Christmas 2009. Now with structure and meaning! Happy Holidays everyone.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Reworked from an improvised track recorded for Christmas 2009. Now with structure and meaning! Happy Holidays everyone.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Reworked from an improvised track recorded for Christmas 2009. Now with structure and meaning! Happy Holidays everyone.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
I wrote this after seeing the film "I'm Not There" about all them Bob Dylans. The early acoustic take of the song was much more nasaly. ©2010 Sandy Gritt