thetworegs's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
I believe without belief in self you can't achieve anything..................
thetworegs's avatar
This song is evolving it was People they dont try at all now its People just think me the fool and i have to work on that Banjo but at least its a bit cleaner now but a work in progress...As all of mine are.
thetworegs's avatar
Watch out there coming and they are tooled up.....
Jack Merlot's avatar
I made this song, it's not really about Clyde in particular, just old tom-cats in general. (Such as myself...) - Jack Merlot
Norm's avatar
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
Dave Berry's avatar
This is a song written by my Cyber friend G.T Alfsen over at This is my version of his great song. I decided to prog it up a bit.
Endicott Road's avatar
The title of this song refers to the first notes after the choir introduction. This is another of my instrumentals that never found a set of lyrics. Enjoy. ER
Dave Berry's avatar
(Lyrics posted below) A fun song I wrote with Kenneth from Its about having fun making music with friends from all over the world, connected by the internet and these great music sites that we all belong to. I came in from…
Dave Berry's avatar
(Lyrics posted below) A fun song I wrote with Kenneth from Its about having fun making music with friends from all over the world, connected by the internet and these great music sites that we all belong to. I came in from…
Dave Berry's avatar
(Lyrics posted below) A fun song I wrote with Kenneth from Its about having fun making music with friends from all over the world, connected by the internet and these great music sites that we all belong to. I came in from…