thetworegs's listening history

Sandy Gritt's avatar
This one didn't make it on to the "White Album" but it can be found on Anthology 3. This is John getting quite silly...
Sandy Gritt's avatar
I wrote this after seeing the film "I'm Not There" about all them Bob Dylans. The early acoustic take of the song was much more nasaly. ©2010 Sandy Gritt
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Lyrics are from a poem inspired by the Picasso painting of the same name, written by Trevor Lewis.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Lyrics are from a poem inspired by the Picasso painting of the same name, written by Trevor Lewis.
Norm's avatar
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
thetworegs's avatar
Here is my attempt at the mile of sorrow hope you like it..........
Norm's avatar
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
Crash Monument's avatar
Crash Monument's avatar
vyl8's avatar
This track appeared on Ubuibi's "Woman take back the Noise" compilation