thetworegs's listening history

johnosullivan's avatar
This rough track uses my Blue Just Tuning system (go to for details and a photo of the guitar). This is the same tuning Chris Vaisvil used in his Excluded By Peers piece. I hope to add some lead to the track soon.
insanedawayne's avatar
igor's avatar
There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. And back.
mr-glen's avatar
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.
kavin.'s avatar
for improvFriday D open tuned acoustic, live looping
kavin.'s avatar
for improvFriday D open tuned acoustic, live looping
kirklynch's avatar
New stuff has been slow in coming for me lately, but I found this lurking on my hard drive from a while back. Frankly don't remember how I did it except that it was all live to 2 tracks and at one point one of my synth patches glitched out on…
epimeison's avatar
Well, here is a new version of this one. I was not playing my own guitar, but one of a friend, which doesn't sounds so bright. Anyway, i think this is a better interpretation, but still has some mistakes. (this time is well tuned..)
vaisvil's avatar
Layla and Majnun is a classical Arabian love story. It is based on the real story of a young man called Qays ibn al-Mulawwah from the northern Arabian Peninsula,[6] in the Umayyad era during the 7th century. There were two Arabic versions…
OHHO's avatar
Just a redo on the old Christmas story of the birth of Jesus with a bluesy feel.