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Road To Nowhere


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Reg’s mate came down the cellar last night complaining about the Government cut’s and what they have done to him……….

Are we really going nowhere
They said the cuts have to be made
They said we‘ve all got to pay
They said the bankers had spent all the money
They said we gotta pay
They said they’d gotta be cuts
But no one said
No one said
I’d lose my job
I got nothing now nothing at all
Lost my job
Lost my wife
Don’t see the kids, cause i got no money
Got no money
They said that there had to be cuts
They said we had to pay
I think i’ve paid
I think i’ve paid
I think i’ve paid
I think i’ve paid enough
I went down to the dole and dived into the hole
Got nothing
Got nothing
What am i supposed to do i’m a middle aged man without a job
I’ve got nothing
Got nothing
Society doesn’t want to know me
I’ve got nothing
I’ve got nothing
It’s all gone
They said they’d have to be cuts
They said we were gonna have to pay
They said the bankers had spent the money
And there had to be cuts
And we have to pay
Well i’ve paid
Yes, i’ve paid enough
I’ve paid enough
I’ve paid enough
I’ve paid enough
We are on the road to nowhere
On the road to nowhere

Guest said

Nice Reg! There are way to many roads to way too many nowheres.....

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