vaisvil's listening history

charlieferret's avatar
Din's avatar
This is one of my more agressive industrial-ish tunes. There's also an orchestral version done by vaisvil; it should be somewhere in his gigantic list of tracks...I'll see if I can find it and post a link. [edit] Unfortunately, vaisvil doesn…
Din's avatar
This is one of my more agressive industrial-ish tunes. There's also an orchestral version done by vaisvil; it should be somewhere in his gigantic list of tracks...I'll see if I can find it and post a link. [edit] Unfortunately, vaisvil doesn…
Din's avatar
This is one of my more agressive industrial-ish tunes. There's also an orchestral version done by vaisvil; it should be somewhere in his gigantic list of tracks...I'll see if I can find it and post a link. [edit] Unfortunately, vaisvil doesn…
now's avatar
ahhh just this neat buttoned app for Ipad i played but could not get the levels right since the kill all volume levels songs. the video is just a different, different song with the video but same app. yes a mistake... not often but only when…
erocnet's avatar
erocnet's avatar
now's avatar
ahhh just this neat buttoned app for Ipad i played but could not get the levels right since the kill all volume levels songs. the video is just a different, different song with the video but same app. yes a mistake... not often but only when…
erocnet's avatar
erocnet's avatar