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        I don't know what's wrong with Rodney.
        But you best not mention a word!
        He sees things differently,
        and he doesn't understand...

        There's evil all around him....
        The world is filled with lust and greed!
        There's evil all around him...
        Something we conceed!*

        Rodney sees the picture,
        Of the Holy family.
        And he feels this pain inside,
        And this mystery must be free!*

        There's pain throught the world,
        And he wants to set it right!
        There's lust and greed throught this world,
        And he wants to make it right!

        One day Rodney finds a gun.
        He feels strength and comfort in its steel.
        He feels with this power,
        He can set the world to right!

        He can set the world to rights!


Casio MT-68 drums thru echo
CZ-101 bass (sounds pretty good on this don’t it! I’m proud of it.
I have found that the ‘sound’ has as much to do with ‘playing’ the
sound like a real instrument as much as the timbre.)
Left channel rythym on left, fuzz and echo,
Lead on right, sometimes clean, sometimes with fuzz.
(lousy leads….eh?)

  • too garbled to really make out confidently.

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