Vortexia's listening history

Vortexia's avatar
Preview of a track which is part of another Project.
Vortexia's avatar
A track that was left unfinished for a long time about people falling out over misconceptions or misunderstandings. Graeme Robertson played all instruments and programmed the midi drums and strings
Vortexia's avatar
Dedicated to those who suffered in Japan in 2011. A collaboration with Raine Carosin who sang here. I generated a midi backing track
Vortexia's avatar
Dedicated to those who suffered in Japan in 2011. A collaboration with Raine Carosin who sang here. I generated a midi backing track
Vortexia's avatar
Darryl Farnworth (pseudonym Translunar) placed a track on Soundcloud with guest vocals by a certain Scottish Lady and invited people to add some rap. This is my effort!
Vortexia's avatar
An abandonned cover of a song part penned by UK Electro maestro Steve Cooke. The original is on Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/stevecooke/follow-the-rain-ft-robert-pickens I started off doing an unplugged version which I gave up on when it…
Lady Jane's avatar
Very lazy track, with more loops and minimal vocals :) Enjoy xox
Lady Jane's avatar
Beatles cover (with backwards bit too!) Vocals and 'didgeridoo' only - if anybody wants to put some music on this, feel free! Enjoy xox
Lady Jane's avatar
Another lyrically-challenged collaboration with jip1965, who sent me a guitar, bongo, percussion track with a recorder playing named, simply, 'Love'. I added the piccolo, crystals and windchimes from my virtual keyboard, renamed it 'What is…
Lady Jane's avatar
Messing with a few of my 'oldies' (lol) for my mum's 70th birthday CD :) Enjoy! xox