winterstar's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my "Jimi Jam" from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!
kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
A short interpretation of Carol of the Bells, complete with freakout in the middle.
adamrykala's avatar
I like the driven verse to this - a little less then more...
adamrykala's avatar
A 7-string song....
winterstar's avatar
Not recorded for RPM, but for the expected release of this album. Bones was a chinchilla R.T. got for Xmas '07 that died just after new year's. This is for her. She was the sweetest.
winterstar's avatar
winterstar's avatar
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Clocking in at just over a minute, this was something a song that I started on and then kind of gave up on.
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
This was more of an experiment with a couple synthesizers and abusing them with distortion and ring modulators.