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Dry Your Eyes (2024 Version)

Robert James

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This re-recorded song comes from the 2022 RPM Challenge. I am not really pleased with this new version. I can’t quite put my finger on what the problem is, but there is something here that is making me unhappy.

The clean rhythm guitar is my Les Paul Standard into an Earthquaker Devices The Depths into a Klon KTR into a Vox AC15. The fuzzy rhythm is the same guitar and amp but the pedals are a Wren and Cuff Super Russian into the same KTR pedal. The leads are my ES-335 Pro into a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian into the KTR into a Fender Deluxe Reverb.

I stand apart from it, I’ll never understand
why can’t I work it out, it never goes as planned

Verse 1
however you try
you’ll have to guess why
we’re just getting by

whatever you do
it comes back to you
so just see it through

Verse 2
I let it slip past
was moving so fast
my foot on the gas

it wasn’t quite fun
but now that it’s done
don’t hurt anyone

Don’t ask me why
just go outside
its running dry
I’m mystified

Other outro
you’ll smile
in a while
please dry your eyes

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