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Trackin' Juno

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This is just a test. If this had been an actual song then the signal you just heard would have been followed by news, information, and directions from state and federal authorities.

Actually, this is a new scale I just learned today.
Roumanian or Romanian. It’s spelled both ways I guess.
As minor scales go, I just adore them and this one is pretty dark and can be light at the same time.
All synthesizer. no drums, no bass, no guitars.
One for my electronic friends.

Guest said

what's up dude? Just checking out some more of your tunessss. :) peacebe and all that.

Guest said

Wow, get the headphones on everyone!

Guest said

I thought I was in a movie...chasing 2monktup1 in a sinister stylie.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

I like!

Guest said

I thought I was in this movie.
