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Gates Of Heaven (Acoustic Demo)

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Gates Of Heaven - A A J Russe
Written 15th January 1988
Recorded 6th March 2022
The Shoebox Demos Vol 1

This is about as naked as I can get.

This is how I wrote it. It’s never had any accompaniment.

I was a bit young to sing it with any conviction in 1988, maybe that’s why it never got used.

I’ve had my eye on it over the last few years. I have got a kind of gospel choir thing going on in my head for the choruses, with clapping, stomping, whatever in the verses… it would probably end up sounding like We Will Rock You or something, though… So this’ll do for the moment.

I wasn’t really expecting to do this one as a demo like this. But then folks keep talking about liking hearing the naked/cut-down versions, which I get.

This one’s as naked and cut-down as I’ve got. I do have one other like this, from 1980, that I did actually perform live back in the days of “Love, Death, and Garden Gnomes” but I’m not sure I’ll record that one.

Gates Of Heaven - A A J Russe

Let me in gates of heaven
Let me in I forgot my key
I don’t mind coming in the back way
If you’re afraid of who might see
Friend of mine became an angel
Friend of mine came yesterday
Nothing left I want to live for
Something left I need to say

Gates of heaven let me see her
Gates of heaven I’m not scared
Gates of heaven never told her
Gates of heaven how much I cared

I don’t mind where you send me
When you’ve finished with my life
All I ask now she’s up there
One more time let me see my wife
I may not have used her kindly
May not always have been a friend
Love her now loved her always
Wish I’d known her days would end

Gates of heaven let me see her
Gates of heaven I’m not scared
Gates of heaven I never told her
Gates of heaven how much I cared

Copyright (C) 1988 A A J Russe. All Rights Reserved.

H R Music's avatar
H R Music said

Like it.

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

A little bit of magic ...

Lane Sullivan's avatar
Lane Sullivan said

This is beautiful.
