
CraigD's avatar

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CraigD's avatar
Recorded in my room on Sandy Beach Cruise Number 26 in 2020
CraigD's avatar
In remembrance of my Wife Cathy, who passed from Liver Cancer 11/02/2011. Get your checkups!
CraigD's avatar
Kind of similar to Zoom it but newer ha!
CraigD's avatar
For my Wife love and miss you.
CraigD's avatar
Why bounce I don't know maybe cause it wants to make you bounce. Something I recorded a couple years ago using a Digitech RP350, drums are from the RP350. Rythm, Lead and Bass were all recorded on a CP60 Strat, bass was an effect on the RP350.

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CraigD's avatar
Recorded in my room on Sandy Beach Cruise Number 26 in 2020
CraigD's avatar
In remembrance of my Wife Cathy, who passed from Liver Cancer 11/02/2011. Get your checkups!
kirklynch's avatar
Title track from the Scartaglen album of the same name. There is also a live version of this up here. Oddly enough the live version of the set actually has the tune called Last Nights Fun, but for some reason we couldn't get that to work in the…
kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
kavin.'s avatar
Ain't feelin' it

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abir16's avatar
davidepannozzo's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
Keith Landry's avatar
Added a little more to this nice little change of strumming patterns played as an excuse to write a little love song. I FOUND LOVE You know I love you more than I Ever thought one simple man could You know I need you more than I Ever…
kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode

Latest Comments

CraigD's avatar
Kind of similar to Zoom it but newer ha!
KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

enjoyed your guitarwork here KC

CraigD's avatar
For my Wife love and miss you.
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Nice picking!

CraigD's avatar
My little tribute to one of my favorite hobbies, besides Music.
Guest said

I recognize those 12 bar blues (: mike

CraigD's avatar
Why bounce I don't know maybe cause it wants to make you bounce. Something I recorded a couple years ago using a Digitech RP350, drums are from the RP350. Rythm, Lead and Bass were all recorded on a CP60 Strat, bass was an effect on the RP350.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Like this mate excellent.

CraigD's avatar
Song I did for me and my youngest daughter Jenny to dance to at her wedding. She loves watching the birds flying as they Ride the Wind!
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Great playing! I can hear the joy!

CraigD's avatar

Just and old dude who loves to play and record Using a Korg D1200, Reaper, Soundforge and whatever else I can get my hands on.

from me: This Music is in the Memory of my wife of 37 years who passed away 11-2-2011

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