Some guy called Doug
Latest Music
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
That’s what they’re waiting for us to do
We think it’s great they have so much money
We know they’ll spend it responsibly…
Backing track for those who want to sing Baaaaa! live and want it complete with sheep.
Baaaaa! Occupy version lyrics
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
This is the piano music track for Baaaaa! meant for people who want to sing it live!
Baaaaa! Occupy version lyrics
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
Recently Listened To
Backing track for those who want to sing Baaaaa! live and want it complete with sheep.
Baaaaa! Occupy version lyrics
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
That’s what they’re waiting for us to do
We think it’s great they have so much money
We know they’ll spend it responsibly…
language and communication
john lydon told me
the written word is a lie
so likewise
the recorded sung or spoken word say i
on the table
there sat a cat or a telephone
what shape was the table?
what was the name of the cat…
i can hear the digits in your digital audio
i feel the need to fidget with my mouse and my moby
i’m listless as i listen to prestigious presentations
of manipulated data and prestidigitation
i type unlisted numbers into my communicator
i'm dubious…
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We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
That’s what they’re waiting for us to do
We think it’s great they have so much money
We know they’ll spend it responsibly…
Backing track for those who want to sing Baaaaa! live and want it complete with sheep.
Baaaaa! Occupy version lyrics
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
This is the piano music track for Baaaaa! meant for people who want to sing it live!
Baaaaa! Occupy version lyrics
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
Latest Comments
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
That’s what they’re waiting for us to do
We think it’s great they have so much money
We know they’ll spend it responsibly…
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
That’s what they’re waiting for us to do
We think it’s great they have so much money
We know they’ll spend it responsibly…
We’re standing up for the job creators
We know that someday they will come through
All that’s needed is lower taxes
That’s what they’re waiting for us to do
We think it’s great they have so much money
We know they’ll spend it responsibly…
Quirky songwriter of quirky songs.
from Bristol, United Kingdom
Stats and Stuff
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3 tracks