Guitar Music by Tim Brown

Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar

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Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Tim Brown and Sam Mann
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Tim Brown and Sam Mann
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
I dunno, it's a mystery. Sam Mann and Tim brown.
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Tim Brown on lead and bass guitars, Sam Mann on drums, guitar and vox.
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Well everybody has to eat, right ? Collaboration between Tim Brown and Sam Mann. Recorded 1982-83 Redwood city in the Dungeon.

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Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Flamenco style guitar song.
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
For a friend. Just a rough demo.
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Written on 4th of July during the fireworks
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Song for an adventurer friend
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Another movie soundtrack piece

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Thumbjam app, Buddha box
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Ashes and dragon's breath - bright things in the sky, childhood games, battlegrounds, cemeteries. Lyrics: Long long days, summer holidays, staying up late green wood on the bonfire, we danced around the flames street lights and stars…
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I've been listening to a lot of [hiroshi yoshimura]( This is played on my Wurlitzer. The other instruments are a prototype version of the additive synth I'm building where you can control the ADSR…
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Latest Comments

Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Evening here at the lake
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Guitar Music by Tim Brown said

Thank you for the comment.

Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Evening here at the lake
Guest said

Really nice work Tim

Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
For a friend. Just a rough demo.
Guest said


Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Tim Brown and Sam Mann
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

A little bias from the ego driven organ grinder monkey singing and playing on this song.. I love this song.

Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Song for another friend
sammymann123's avatar
sammymann123 said

Truly a song for a stormy day or a sunshiney day. A song for everyday!

Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar

Update: Taking a break from college right now. Getting back into the studio, going to concentrate on experimental music, acoustic rock, and moving into doing more vocals.

I play guitars (electric, steel string acoustic, hawaiian slack key, and nylon string acoustic), bass, keyboards, vocals, bamboo flute, wood flute, recorder, charango, requinto. ukulele, mandolin, oud, harmonica, drums, steel pan drums, Latin percussion, middle eastern and other hand percussion, mandolin, banjo, Chapman stick. I repair, build and modify guitars and and outboard gear and effects pedals.

Email for more info @

I play flamenco, latin and rock influenced music. Most songs I do all the instruments. Bass, keys, hand percussion, harmonica, bamboo flute all mine. All songs are recorded as they are improvised on the spot.

Currently looking for bass and percussion to form casual group. Also looking to play on other groups recordings, or just jamming.

from Napa, US

Who Guitar Music by Tim Brown follows

sammymann123's avatar

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66 tracks