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by mmi


Loop Guitar 1

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A demo track for a new Reaktor instrument I’m building codename: Mimetron.

Loop Guitar 1 is a long, flowing, ambient piece. Mellow with a few moments of grit.

Mimetron is a 3 voice sampler that is driven by incoming audio. It has 3 channels each of which has a tuneable 4-pole bandpass filter at the head with a gate-on/gate-off levels and attack/release settings.

When the input signal from the filter exceeds the gate-on threshold the sampler plays the loop for that channel, using the rising & falling amplitude levels as an envelope over the loop volume. When the incoming signal falls below the gate-off level the loop gets released and decays away.

There is a distortion and delay unit per channel and the incoming signal, again, controls the amount of the clean signal from the sampler that passes through those effects. The distortion can easily get a bit wild but I have it under control here.

The sample I’m using is, itself, a loop from Kent Sandvik’s ‘Experimental Guitars’ vol.3 Some nice stuff in his collection and all free.

The instrument is being driven by Lazyfish’s awesome new TG-8H tone generator and the “scenes” in the piece arise as I switch between some pre-chosen snapshots for that instrument.

I captured the sound directly from Reaktor and added a little reverb (Valhalla Shimmer) and compression (PSP Vintage Warmer 2) in Amadeus Pro.

Len Sasso's avatar
Len Sasso said

Very nice work, I love the way the ambience flows. Also the Reaktor ensemble looks like a nice piece of programming.

Guest said

cool trip we have here

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Don't think I'll ever understand this way of making music - but it do make some nice sounds. Cool track.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Thanks for the kind words folks, gave me a lift :)

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Not completely daft ;) Awesome track, up there with anything I've heard from the "big names".

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Sweet dreams

the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar
the bearded men stood up and left the room. said

this sounds awesome: When the input signal from the filter exceeds the gate-on threshold the sampler plays the loop for that channel. When the incoming signal falls below the gate-off level the loop gets released and decays away. 2 minutes into the track and loving it.
