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Paul Lennon's favorite tracks

by Paul Lennon


Whiter Shade Of Pale w/ Wildgeas

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Geas put this beauty of a classic up with the offer of exercising your vocals and i couldn’t resist. thanks Geas for the chance to give it a go……..

Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

So much fun to step up to the mic with this tune. Slick vox T - Solid.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Excellent track

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said


Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Paul . . . Excellent musical track. Reg . . . You can REALLY kick it in gear. Well done guys!

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

It turned out good I like it

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Nice job! Sounds real good
