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In The Evening

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I’m not sure if I’ll keep the song title. Anyway, this song is more about feeling I guess. At times the song feels happy, then creepy, then sad or dissonant. How does this song make you feel?! Thanks for listening!

Guest said

makes me feel weird but happy, like i just eat from the forbidden tree.

launched's avatar
launched said

Hey, bro - Good to hear from you! Yeah, the rhythm git was a little hot because I always plug it in direct - All I have to record with for electric songs is pretty much an old Epi SG and a Boss Micro BR. Gnasty's lead was mic'ed with an SM57. Anyway, catch you on the flip!

quill's avatar
quill said

Incredible - had to really think about this, but it didn't take long to identify the feeling. Inside my pleasure at the interesting sounds, I found something else: a feeling of being left out. Strange, no? Left out of what? Nonsense! But, maybe ... of the process of its realization? Another side to that feeling: I want to take it apart, as though it were an interesting machine, and hold each of its components in my fingertips and turn them in the light, and wonder about their material, their origins, and their conception. Hey, you asked.

Guest said

Hey Adam, I checked out that dude's music you were telling me about. Joaquim Heise??? Pretty Brilliant stuff!

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

your right not sure how the title works,,, but then again it can be a very personal thing (naming a song)well done

Guest said

LORD SLUK said..nice track, I love the flute/keyboard chords and the samples of r2d2 on crack. I said..... HAHAHAHAH And this is a very very cool song!

Lord Sluk's avatar
Lord Sluk said

nice track, I love the flute/keyboard chords and the samples of r2d2 on crack.

Guest said

This song makes me feel like a giant squid in search of somethinng special to ink! Don't change the title. Move on and keep creating more music. It just keeps getting better. :)

launched's avatar
launched said

I was frightened for a moment, thinking I was in a game room in Japan. Then I was happy when I realized I wasn't. But now I'm sad because I really wish I had been in a Japanese game room. Kidding aside, I really liked it. Especially when that Moogy sounding patch came in. Lots of cool textures and tones. Killer tune, bro!

Guest said

Agree with Wildgeas!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I like it, kinda spooky in some spots, but that's real nifty and adds the frosty coolness on top. :)
