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...AndTheArchitects(live) - by the True flies

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… and the architects
(live @ the hunt sabateurs ball somewhere in the 80s i think)

if your life were a badly made soap opera
which television channel would it be on?
which television channel would it be on?
which television channel would it be on?

and the architects became verbose revolutionaries
even now their faithful scribes
are translating their words into cartoons

ga ga ga na na na
na na na ga ga ga
ga ga ga na na na
na na na na na ga ga ga

they took my liberty
they took my property
my personality
took my perversity
took my reality
my imbecility
took my absurdity
they took my cup of tea
theatrical properties of character
they took my cup of tea
theatrical characters of property
they sold it back to me

and the architects became verbose revolutionaries
even now their faithful scribes
are translating their words into cartoons

somebody made made a lot
of money by writing
a book called the presen-
-tation of self in everyday life

my eyes are full of soap my mouth is full of soap
my eyes are full of soap my mouth is full of soap
my eyes are full of soap my mouth is full of soap
my radioactive television passive half-life is full of soap
