thetworegs's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg told her it all, then he had to leave. His new flat has a bit of a gloom about it on this morning when he wakes to the Buzz of the Tv....................
thetworegs's avatar
He had a troubled young life and regretted the man he became, but what could he do, apart from try and understand why..................
Gary Fox's avatar
Originally conceived as a mellow-ish, Stephen Stills sounding number (at least the verses), then the chorus came to me out of nowhere and turned the whole song on it's ear. I think that was for the better. I have to admit that I surprised myself…
Les's avatar
Here's a version of a Bach piece I played at my sister's wedding! Enjoy!
Les's avatar
Here's a very early version of a new song, not sure where to take it but it's a start!
Sandy Gritt's avatar
I wrote this one a few year's back when my daughter was 6 years old. I finally recorded it and uploaded it to her MP3 player for her 12th birthday this year.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Syd was one of a kind. Recorded live with backing vocal added.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Just some fun I was having with the record button on. Edgy and a blast to sing.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
A George Harrison song that sits quietly at the end of side three on the "White" Album.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
This one didn't make it on to the "White Album" but it can be found on Anthology 3. This is John getting quite silly...