thetworegs's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…
vaisvil's avatar
A layered improvisation on a M-Audio 88es Korg MS2000 * 2 (duplicated the midi track and recorded the MS2k with two different voices serially) Pianoteq Absynth Reading of his poem "We're on the Brink of Utter Befuddlement, Yellow Hanky Style…
thetworegs's avatar
If you ever spent any time in the Whiskey well. You know it's a place you never want to revisit......
Newbold's avatar
just continued work with the new microkorg :) youtube work is being processed as I type.
Newbold's avatar
just continued work with the new microkorg :) youtube work is being processed as I type.
vaisvil's avatar
They left me home alone with my Fender Mustang and Marshall Amp. My cat ran away - and one of my ferrets stared at me for a full 30 seconds in disbelief and then decide telepathy was not going to make me turn down the volume. It isn't good…
Newbold's avatar
just continued work with the new microkorg :) youtube work is being processed as I type.
thetworegs's avatar
I didn't like the 1st version so i changed it so here it is. imagine Sitting in the forest listening to the breeze being free and wanting to follow it..........................
thetworegs's avatar
If you ever spent any time in the Whiskey well. You know it's a place you never want to revisit......
thetworegs's avatar
Reg told her it all, then he had to leave. His new flat has a bit of a gloom about it on this morning when he wakes to the Buzz of the Tv....................