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Playlist cover


by vaisvil


seeing the doctor

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acid (ice9) aka corn - supernova II audacity brain surgery
clones - korg MS2K stratocastor some cassette tapes I found in my box

Tipu's avatar
Tipu said

the 'about me' picture pretty much summed it up heh. favourited.

Jeff Duke's avatar
Jeff Duke said

Epic! Perfect, I hate doctors as a rule :)

Doc's avatar
Doc said

Cool science fiction spirited fantasy trip. Nice crazy atmosphere, well implemented!

KraftiM's avatar
KraftiM said

epic trip.... great having some sparetime during weekens.

Guest said

After hearing this i'm not sure......double stamped! score!!!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said


Guest said

he's a legal alien.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Naaa....just a bad ass. Perfect track. Love it.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I am begining to wonder if's still human...or...if the program has taken over his mind....and has become self aware...

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

i like that this is longer then normal by the third minute I am committed to listen all the way :)this song became a fav @ minute 8 was this what you did with that sample of beat things you asked for? Wait I remember this now woe the memories are coming back they are the same yet different. wait i just lost myselves @ about minute 22:22

Guest said

Listening to this takes me far far away to the unknown. i don't want to come back!!! a must listen track!
