Willie Nixon
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Written in 1979 it once had lyrics. Long forgotten. But I always liked playing it.
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Wrote this song to go with the "Woman At the Well" story in the Bible. Got some buddies from the bluegrass band to play with us.
A snippet of Seeing You Again, from Mama Corn's self-titled CD. Written by Ben Nelson, and originally recorded and performed by the influential 70's PA bluegrass band, The Grass Strings. The song tells of the singer's regret at walking away from…
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I’ve played guitar all my life. I also play mandolin, bass, drums and whatever might be needed. Sometimes I feel the need to create and I record a song or 2. Some bluegrass, some blues, some rock. However I feel at that moment. Be kind please. This is all for fun, right.
from Nodding Donkey Acres, US
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