Drop D

Drop D's avatar

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Drop D's avatar
It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I relocated to Hawaii and had to leave most of my studio and instruments behind, so I have nothing to make new music with. However, I did discover an old track while un-packing and consolidating my…
Drop D's avatar
This is just a bit of silly fun I had one day with a four-track cassette recorder...about 9 years ago (yup...another lost find fro the racks). Just blowin' off some steam on a day off in my little apartment of Tokyo. On first listen-back...it…
Drop D's avatar
This track was made for collaborative purposes. Looking for a slow build of layers. If you hear anything that you would like to add...feel free to do so, and send it back to me...or post it and let me know that you did. TANKS!
Drop D's avatar
Okay...so Godzilla comes to YOUR town and wants to get funky. What does it sound like? When I first came to Japan, there was a time when I spent three months homeless and living out of a coin-locker at Shibuya station. Eventually, I got out of…
Drop D's avatar
Drum-n-bass composition I did back in 2004 via digital-razor-blade technique with an additional fat synth line. That's it. Hear something you want to add? Go for it!

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Fyrce Muons's avatar
Fyrce Muons's avatar
Drop D's avatar
It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I relocated to Hawaii and had to leave most of my studio and instruments behind, so I have nothing to make new music with. However, I did discover an old track while un-packing and consolidating my…

Recent Favorites

Drop D's avatar
It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I relocated to Hawaii and had to leave most of my studio and instruments behind, so I have nothing to make new music with. However, I did discover an old track while un-packing and consolidating my…
Fyrce Muons's avatar
Frek and the Elixir's avatar
This is 3 track improv using only the kaossilator and garageband it gets pretty funny then dark and finally ANTHEMIC! Enjoy the ride!
beetle s.pin's avatar
macabre at first -dubstep
Drop D's avatar
This is just a bit of silly fun I had one day with a four-track cassette recorder...about 9 years ago (yup...another lost find fro the racks). Just blowin' off some steam on a day off in my little apartment of Tokyo. On first listen-back...it…

Latest Comments

Drop D's avatar
This track is almost 14 years old, but is the result of me getting an hour or so alone in the KIIS FM studios thanks to my old college buddy Mike Madrigal who was doing production imaging for the station at the time. I did the drum loops (sampled…
Guest said

I invented the piano key necktie! I invented it!

Drop D's avatar
It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I relocated to Hawaii and had to leave most of my studio and instruments behind, so I have nothing to make new music with. However, I did discover an old track while un-packing and consolidating my…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Would fav it twice if I could!

Drop D's avatar
It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I relocated to Hawaii and had to leave most of my studio and instruments behind, so I have nothing to make new music with. However, I did discover an old track while un-packing and consolidating my…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

YES! This is great! I love it!

Drop D's avatar
This track was made for collaborative purposes. Looking for a slow build of layers. If you hear anything that you would like to add...feel free to do so, and send it back to me...or post it and let me know that you did. TANKS!
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

I played with a vocal for this a couple of years ago - will see if I can finish it. Love this groove.

Drop D's avatar
This solo studio dub jam was created and recorded in about 8 hours of play time one day. As usual, it starts with a simple drum machine track, then fretless bass, then keys, guitar, then a Balinese kecak drum and a tbilat drum and finally melodica…
Drop D's avatar
Drop D said

I just made a video putting this song to Charlie Chaplin's speech, "The Great Dictator" It turned out to my liking, so I think I'm changing the title of this tune to "Soldiers In The Name."

Drop D's avatar

Drop D is producer/bass player Scott A. Meister. I got my start as an audio engineer in high-school, then got involved in pirate radio and radio production, eventually worked up to being an assistant engineer for Bob Ludwig at Masterdisk in New York City in the early 90’s…worked at record labels in promotion and marketing after that…eventually ended up as the regional marketing editor at Album Network Magazine in Los Angeles before moving to Tokyo to start an indies label. After all that…I got burned-out on the music scene, and moved out to Yamanakako, the largest of five lakes on the base of Mt. Fuji where I run a B&B with my wife called The Potato House. Now, I’ve been building a small work studio of digital and analog stuff so I can enjoy making music for myself and my friends.

from Honolulu, HI, United States

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21 tracks