Diello's listening history

AMUC's avatar
Warning - uses Brainwave Generator for samples - so if you feel a little groggy listening to it, that's why. Don't play while operating heavy machinery.
AMUC's avatar
August 24 hour challenge.. This was the first track written in the early morning hours.
AMUC's avatar
Warning - uses Brainwave Generator for samples - so if you feel a little groggy listening to it, that's why. Don't play while operating heavy machinery.
AMUC's avatar
August 24 hour challenge.. This was the first track written in the early morning hours.
AMUC's avatar
If "Jenny Blue" is the closer, and "Shrinking Violet" is the outro, then this is the postlude to the outro. The only track I played in real-time on from beginning to end. (No idea how I managed to pull that off..)
AMUC's avatar
"Jenny Blue" was originally supposed to be the album closer, but this track seemed like a nice outro. (Definitely Tangerine Dream worship on my part.)
AMUC's avatar
The last track from my RPM Challenge album, "The Loudest Silence". The story is loosely based on something I read, but there's a lot of poetic interpretation involved. It deals with people who spend a lot of time staring at the stars - like the…
AMUC's avatar
Full name is "The Morphing Architecture Of The New England Vatican". This is another RPM 2010 track. I have weird dreams where your average New England city is juxtaposed with some holy Old World locale. The music and lyrics arose from that…
AMUC's avatar
Title track from my RPM 2010 album, entitled "The Loudest Silence".
AMUC's avatar
This is probably the least electronic-sounding of everything that I did from RPM 2010, although it still heavily uses samples (either self-sampled or from Freesound). That is me playing the harmonica, though. (No, really!) If the song makes…