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The Third Wish

A Herd of Turtles

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Side A of RPM Challenge
This song is based on one of the many stories about being granted three wishes.
0:00-0:57, a man finds a trapped bird and frees him only to find the bird is a magical creature called the forest king
0:58-1:30, the man convinces the forest king to grant him three wishes
1:30-3:05, the man’s first wish is for a beautiful bride. He falls asleep in the forest only to awake the the most beautiful woman besides him. They fall in love and marry
3:05-3:38, his bride becomes very sad over time and finally confesses that she was transformed from a swan by the forest king and misses her family and sister
3:38-4:47, the man decides to use his second wish to return her back to a swan. The next morning he finds a swan next to him and Carries her back to the pond and sets her free. He vows never to use the third wish out of loyalty to his wife
4:47-5:40, the man lives the rest of his life happy as he is visited every day by the swans who keep and company and safe
5:40-6:00, the man finally dies and swans could be heard crying throughout the valley
6:00, ends with a musical The End

Personal include:
Dan Will, Keyboard
David True, Bass
Tony Gallo, Congas/Chimes

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Day 13's avatar
Day 13 said

Beautiful arrangement, well played

Guest said

I love it.

Guest said

Digging this! Congrats on the RPM 2022 completion. --Alkdale

A Herd of Turtles's avatar
A Herd of Turtles said

This song is based on one of the many stories of being granted three wishes

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