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Fear & Faith


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I wrote this song, during the height of the so-called “pandemic”… so forgive the obvious frustration and perplexment, in my sincere words, at the time:

Introducing my latest song (as well as a bit of contextual ranting!) …

This latest lockdown in Vic is simply blowing my mind.

Do people REALLY think that by giving up their Rights and Freedoms, that they will get them back?

I see masked people everywhere… submitting to government “directives” as though they’re Gospel…

I live in regional Victoria where there is not a SINGLE case of Covid among the general populace… so what bloody good is a mask?!

What are you “protecting” yourselves from?!

I honestly feel like I’m living thru an episode of the Twilight Zone, watching this B.S unfold!

The only thing you’re achieving, is to tell a wannabe Totalitarian Authority that you are COMPLIANT… even in the face of absurdity and farce.

Millions of our boys have fought and died in the last 100 years, protecting what you clearly take for granted.

And yet… here we are:

“He who exchanges his Liberty, to be secure… deserves neither Liberty, nor Security.”

I am truly ashamed of my people and Society, at present.

But I am MOST disappointed in the Entertainment and Cultural Sectors of our Society… for being gutless and cowardly in not reporting this unfolding injustice, thru your Art.

Truly… what is the point of being an “expressive” Artist, if you only kowtow to the Government and Corporate Line, when it comes to the important issues?!


From humanrights Lawyers, to so-called “free speech” advocates, right down to all you musicians who have a voice that you REFUSE to use, now that the wolf is on our doorstep…

Shame on you all.

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