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This is a song which I wrote for my children. Four of whom, I had not seen or heard from, for at least two years, when I wrote it … (it’d be four years in total before I saw them again.)

Yes, I have a Family Court Order which clearly lays out my Rights, regarding access to them (i.e. Visitation and Communication Rights); but all of it came to nothing, once my Ex-Wife realised that she could flout it with abandon; because I couldn’t afford the Court costs, which would enable me to assert my essential Rights as a Father.

This song is for all the Alienated Dads out there, who feel that their voice is never heard; and that their agony - and anguish - is never acknowledged…

Just know this: Your children’s “childhood” runs over a mere 18 years…

Whereas their adulthood (i.e. their Age of Independence), runs for a further fifty to seventy years… and no matter what, they will ALWAYS need you in their lives: For whatever age they reach, they will ALWAYS be your beloved child.

So stay strong, my Brothers, and do not give up!

… even if it means backing away temporarily… until their inevitable Age of Independence ;)

My voice… is now yours.
